
5. Policies


Policy W2 – Waste Management Capacity, Apportionment & Site Allocation

The London Plan identifies the amount of municipal and commercial waste to be managed by the ELWA boroughs as 1,228,000 tonnes at 2011; 1,395,000 tonnes at 2016 and 1,573,000 tonnes at 2021. The ELWA boroughs will meet this apportionment by:

  1. Safeguarding the capacity of existing waste management facilities listed in Schedule 1 and encouraging increased processing of waste at these facilities, to run at a higher figure towards the licensed capacity; and
  2. Approving strategic waste management facilities where it will contribute to the ELWA boroughs meeting the London Plan apportionment on sites within the locations listed in Schedule 2.

Where the applicant can demonstrate there are no opportunities within these preferred areas for a waste management facility, sites within designated industrial areas as identified in borough Local Development Frameworks will be considered.

Planning permission will only be granted for new waste water and sewage treatment plant, extensions to existing works, or facilities for the co-disposal of sewage with other wastes, where development is either needed to treat waste arisings from within the East London Waste Authority area or in the case of arisings from elsewhere the need cannot practicably and reasonably be met at another site – subject to the relevant borough’s policy/guidance and Policy W5 of this Plan. Wherever practical and economical, renewable energy generation will be encouraged as part of such waste management facilities.

In all cases applications will be required to meet the relevant boroughs design guidance and Policy W5.

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This Policy is from Chapter 5:  Policies . The full version of the Development Plan Document (DPD) from which this Policy is extracted can be read here .

A full list of documents which make up the Local Development Framework can be found here

Schedule 2

Area Borough Approx
Scale of facility Type of Facility Existing Use Landowner Timescale Implementation
Ferry Lane North Havering 0.5 – 1.5ha 2 small scale facilities IVC / AD Waste Management First London Environmental Ltd 2015 - 2020 Modify / intensify waste management within the site through the provision of two small scale facilities.
Dagenham Dock Sustainable Industries Park Barking & Dagenham 4.5 – 11.5 2 Medium scale facility and 1 small scale facility IVC / AD / Recovery Strategic Industrial Location Main landowner is London Thames Gateway Urban Development Corporation 2010- 2020 Dagenham Dock Sustainable Industries Park identified suitable for sustainable industries including waste industries 1 large scale facility: Application submitted in 2010 for by Thames Gateway Power for development of Thames Gateway Energy Facility - an energy generation facility to generate low carbon renewable combined heat and power. Would utilise 120,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste using 3.34 ha of land in the northern part of the SIP. Further facilities: Awaiting applicants to come forward
Gerpins Lane – adjacent to Gerpins Lane RRC Havering 1.5 – 5ha Medium scale facility (composting only) Composting Greenfield site ELWA 2015 - 2020 Site currently owned by ELWA. Implementation dependent on private operator coming forward
Hall Farm – former landfill site Havering 19ha Large scale facility (composting only) Composting Greenfield site ELWA 2015 - 2020 Site currently owned by ELWA. Implementation dependent on private operator coming forward
Beckton Riverside Newham 7ha (gross); 3.5ha (net) Medium to large scale facility IVC / AD / MBT / Thermal excl. incineration Preferred Industrial Location British Gas 2010 - 2015 Overall site area = 7 ha
Located in close proximity to Jenkins Lane MRF Awaiting applicants to come forward