
5. Ensuring a Vibrant Economy and Attractive Town Centres


This is a prominent gateway site to the Thames View Estate and Barking Riverside. The Lyon’s Business Centre offers high quality modern business space. However the remaining area to the south of the site is of a poorer quality and appearance which is detrimental to the streetscene. This allocation aims to improve the appearance of this area so a higher quality of buildings can be provided. The site is designated as a Locally Significant Industrial Site. Policy CE3 enables the partial release of sites where it can be demonstrated the remaining part of the designated site will be more intensively developed to ensure no net loss in employment provided. This allocation therefore enables non-employment outside the Lyon’s Business Centre including housing under these terms.


Location Situated to the south east of where River Road meets the A13
Ward Thames
Size 3.17 hectares
Timescale 2010 - 2015
Implementation This site is privately owned.
Flood Zone Zone 3a
PTAL Level 2
Existing Uses Lyon Business Park and neighbouring employment uses to the south
Proposed Uses and Design Requirements

This site has the potential for:

  • B1, B2 and B8 uses.
  • Housing and other non-employment uses provided there is no net loss in employment provided across the whole site, and no loss of employment land within the Lyon’s Road Business Centre.

Any new development must address the following issues:

  • Ensure flood risk is properly managed. The Sequential Test and parts a) and b) of the Exception Test have been undertaken for the site. It is necessary, however, for the applicant to undertake part c) of the Exception Test and prepare a flood risk assessment. Opportunities should be taken to locate more vulnerable uses to a zone of lower flood risk within the site boundary. If this is not possible, the development should be directed towards those areas of the site that have a lower degree of flood hazard and lengthy inundation rates (based upon the flood hazard and rate of inundation maps contained in the SFRA).
  • A need to provide a high quality frontage to River Road.
  • Contributions will be sought towards improvements to the green amenity area to the South East of the site.
  • The site falls within an Archaeological Priority Area. The potential effect of development on archaeological remains should be considered and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate.


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This Policy is from Chapter 5:  Ensuring a Vibrant Economy and Attractive Town Centres . The full version of the Development Plan Document (DPD) from which this Policy is extracted can be read  here.

A full list of documents which make up the Local Development Framework can be found here.